Field control in SAP Fruits One

1 min de lectura |
SAP Fruit One

Increases EU control on the use of chemicals in the fields
Currently there is big public sensitivity in all matters relating to food safety. The presence of pesticide residues (potentially toxic substances) in food is a growing concern of consumers, as evidenced by public opinion polls about made in different countries. In this connection the presence of pesticide residues, potentially toxic substances in food is a growing concern of consumers, as evidenced by opinion polls made in different countries. Consequently, the legal regulations regarding the use of pesticides are becoming increasingly strict.

In Spain, all authorized pesticides in horticulture have set a «maximum residue limit» (MRL), determined by toxic criteria that are controlled by programs updated each year. Such controls consist notably in sampling, in the analysis and identification of pesticides present, their respective residue levels. These controls consist of sampling, at the analysis and identification of pesticides present and their respective residue levels.
This regulation requires exporters to register the quantities of chemical products (pesticides, herbicides, pesticides etc.) used in the fields and MRL levels derived from laboratory tests.
Given the above, SAP Fruit One has an Addon (module) dedicated exclusively to the field control that is synchronized with a web platform to introduce and manage worksheets. As seen in the image of the news, the web application distinguishes several types of worksheets and reports:
• Fertilizer, irrigation and drip
• Phytosanitary
• Herbicides
• Further work
Each report type is used to associate each item quantities, workforce dedicated to each operation and the machinery used. The management application has a multi-profile management.
From the main menu of SAP Fruit One the application has a complete module called “Management fields” with the following functionality:
1. Parts and tasks management (Fertilizer, irrigation and drip / Phytosanitary./ Herbicides / Complementary tasks / Correction leaf / Monitoring of pests / Maintenance of machinery)
2. Laboratory analysis. Registry and repository of analysis results.
3. Field Sheets. It is the main repository management module fields or plots. Plots are managed by each horticultural company, indicating what the status of it, the variety of the plot, its location and dimension.
The application allows the management of different types of plots:
• Plot that maintenance is done by the company
• Plot that the maintenance is done by the owner
• Own company plots
• Cooperatives
4. Open / Close fields. Option used for opening or closing fields (massively)
5. Location. The fruit transport costs into the plant are assigned through the field «Location». Each location is assigned a transport cost per kilogram for subsequent calculation of the indicidual product cost and management accounting.
6. Estandar Reports. The application has the following types of predefined reports:
• Printing worksheets. Summary of worksheet dates of labor, godos and machine used by owners or plot etc. ..
• Technical itinerary. It is one of the most helpful report. It resumes all the information associated to each field.
• Mass balance. Report from the plant entered kilos and kilos issued by family, by variety, etc.